Kate Ancketill is the leading authority in Global Business Futurism

International Speaker

Kate connects with audiences across the globe, bringing new thinking to business and organisations all over the world.

  • "Fascinating and scary 9.25/10"

    Owen James - A Meeting of Minds Conference

  • '' One word kept coming up and up again when attendees were commenting on your session – ‘wow’. "

    Claire Knott - The Retail Conference Bulletin Director

  • '' A great speaker, who researches trends with unique depth and is concerned with bringing the best and richest content to each target audience. ''

    Romano Pansera - CEO & Founder of RPWorks

  • "A lot of highly relevant insights and examples. We just received feedback that this had the best engagement at Elkjøp so far."


  • "Several of our delegates told us that you were the best keynote they have ever seen in their career."

    Liz Smith - Senior Director at Verifone

About Kate

The global thought-leader in business futurism. Kate is renowned for making complex societal shifts and emerging technologies relatable for any audience. Kate is the CEO and founder of business futurist consultancy GDR. For 25 years she has been the innovation partner to more than 30 of the world’s largest brands: P&G, Tesco, Target, Sephora, Microsoft, Google, Samsung, Moet Hennessy, Costa Coffee, The BBC, and Lego among them. Her visually spectacular multi-media presentations draw from many industry sectors and all physical and digital channels, with a 3-5 year future time-frame. Every presentation is created specifically for your audience, with never-seen-before innovations that demonstrate successful adaptation to changing consumer behaviour.  Kate’s insights have often been road-tested at board level, and every presentation benefits from the input of GDR’s researchers and strategists. Kate is a tech optimist, known for making complex global shifts in technology, geopolitics, demographics, economics and consumer behaviour relatable to anyone in business who needs to understand and adapt to today’s faster-than-ever changing commercial landscape.

You can expect a charismatic performance, whether on a large stage, at a corporate event, in the boardroom, or as a panellist.

Every presentation Kate gives has the WOW factor and will contain tailored research and analysis, Kate is renowned for inspirational WOW factor talks that are customised to each audience with bleeding edge innovation sourced by GDR's research and strategy teams. Much of the thinking will have been road-tested with the world's largest consumer-facing corporations, often at board level.

Kate has been invited to speak on future trends for the last 9 years by the National Retail Federation.

Check out Kate’s blog below:


Areas of expertise

AI • Business Futurism • Consumer Trends • Sustainability for Brands • Innovation Leadership • Motivational Tech Optimism • Disruptive Business Models • Customer Experience • Hospitality • Smart Cities • Wellness • Consumer Packaged Goods

Available for

• Conferences • Webinars (live & recorded) • Podcasts • Interviews (Radio & TV) • Panels • Board Advisory • Client Presentations

Why invite business futurist Kate Ancketill to speak at your event?

Kate Ancketill is your wayfinder to the future, uncovering and demystifying the most relevant innovations and insights you and your team need to know to be ahead of the game. As a business futurist and visionary, Kate Ancketill draws from her two decades leading GDR's foresight research and business intelligence consultancy.

Her up-to-date, bespoke presentations offer motivational, optimistic and pragmatic advisory answers to crucial and strategic business questions.

Her work tackles the most pressing issues of our time :

  • What does AI mean for me, my work, industry and society?

  • Trends fit for the future: The surprising secrets of persistently brilliant brands

  • Modern retail is rocket science - how can we deal with the complexity?

  • The future of customer service. What can professional services learn from other industries.

  • Who are the Gen Z and Alpha consumers? The wants and needs of a generation whose spending powers will exceed that of today's boomers and millennials combined by 2030.

  • How shifts in the way we work will fundamentally impact business going forward.

  • The Future of Beauty and Wellness

  • And many more.

Kate Ancketill is available for keynote presentations, media appearances, consultation, or comment on these or any other topics related to the state of retail, leisure, and brand, in the UK and around the world.

Thought Leadership

NRF Big Show 2024

NRF Big Show 2023


Kate has appeared on TV, radio, podcasts, webinars and in live panels. She has also addressed crowds of thousands at international conferences and written incisively in print.  Kate has recently appeared in the media discussing varied issues including: the decline of the high street; shifts in consumer behaviour driven by emerging technology; sustainability in business, and the role of Machine Learning, automation and AI.


Radio & Podcasts

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‘I am from Brazil, the leader of one of the delegations, we are the biggest international delegation in NRF and everybody loves to listen to and learn with Kate. She is one of the Best speakers at NRF. We ask to put her on the main stage as a Keynote speaker. Hope that this happens for the next year.’

Lu Carmo - about Kate at the NRF Big Show, January 2024

Get in touch.


